Koku / kokumi sensation
Home → Koku / kokumi sensation
Koku is very well known in Japan, but in Europe the word Kokumi is more commonly known than koku. Kokumi means koku taste, but that is only part of the koku sensation which also includes flavour and texture to form a lasting sensation.
Koku is a combination of complexity, mouth fullness and lingering. Koku is generated by either fermentation and ripening, or by slow cooking methods such as simmering.
AJIREX™NH was developed to provide koku by giving mouth fullness and creaminess to your products. AROMILD™U-15 contains glutathione, which is the most famous tripeptide known to provide a strong koku sensation. AROMILD™, AJITOP™ and AJIREX™ provide not only umami, but some koku as well.
Using a combination of these ingredients lifts your products to the next level, our food technologist is happy to assist you in your formulations.
Our ingredients suitable for koku / kokumi sensation
Solutions related to koku / kokumi sensation
Umami taste improvement
AROMILD, AJITOP and AJIREX provide not only umami, but some koku as well.