Snack seasoning
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In the development of seasonings for snacks, there are two main categories: Dust-on and in-dough, each one having its own function and approach.
In dust-on seasonings, we can add umami and additional body to the base of the product with AROMILD™, AJITOP™, and AJIREX LK™.
AJIREX™NH and AROMILD™ U-15 can be used to bring in a full-bodied koku taste. For balancing the taste of the herbs and spices, AROMAWAY™ is the best product to use.
For in-dough application there can be several reasons to apply yeast extracts. When the aim is to add umami, AROMILD™ and AJITOP™ are good partners.
To add a basic note in meat or fish, AJIREX™ and AROMAWAY™ are excellent products. To mask acidity and bitter off-notes, AJIREX™NH can be used.
Please get in touch with our specialists if you want to learn how to use our portfolio in your formulations.
Finding the right balance for your application or seasoning can be challenging.
Do you want to find the best solution for your snack applications?
Please contact our food technologist.
Our ingredients suitable for use in snack seasoning
Solutions related to snack seasoning
Umami taste improvement
Umami flavour can be added with AROMILD™, AJITOP™, and AJIREX LK™.
Koku / kokumi sensation
A full-bodied koku taste can be brought in with AJIREX™NH and AROMILD™.
Harmonising taste
The taste of herbs and spices can be balanced with AROMAWAY™.
Flavour profile improvement
A basic flavour note can be given to meat and fish with AJIREX LK™ and AROMAWAY™.
Masking off-notes
Acidic and bitter off-notes can be masked with AJIREX™NH.